Light+Building 2024 - we will be there!
Light+Building in Frankfurt from March 3 to 8 is more than just a trade fair. It is almost an institution when it comes to lighting trends, electrification and digitalization of home and building technology as well as networked security technology.
The focus of this year's event is clearly on achieving climate protection targets.
Whether energy supply or energy management - the basis for the energy use of the future is the electrification of houses, buildings and urban infrastructure.
With the claim "Be electrified", the organizer underlines the central importance of electrification.
The three top theme areas Sustainability | Connectivity| Work+ Living address the topic of "Be electrified" at the world's leading trade fair and show what will be essential for living, working and mobility in the future.
LoRaWAN as an enabler for smart buildings
Building monitoring, smart metering and building automation will be the main areas that m2m Germany will be focusing on at Light+Building. Together with partners, we will be demonstrating new approaches for networked buildings and infrastructures. We will present solutions for office, industrial and residential properties that can be implemented efficiently, easily and securely via LoRaWAN.
We have everything from simple door contact sensors to plug-and-play IoT building management systems.
Especially when it comes to energy management, monitoring and metering solutions, there are new solutions that leave nothing to be desired.
Experience exciting IoT solutions at our stand in Hall 9, A34.
Plan your visit now.
We will be happy to provide you with a free admission ticket.
It is best to make an appointment with us in advance.
Free ticket & make an appointment
We look forward to your visit and exciting discussions about building management, IoT solutions and more.