In case of support
Please first check whether you have the latest technical documentation for the respective products before contacting our support team. You can find these either in the "Documents" tab of the respective product in our m2m store or on the websites of the respective manufacturers.
Our basic support usually includes basic technical questions about the purchased product. Support is only possible via e-mail. Please send a short message to: Your direct e-mail to our support e-mail is the only way to ensure that your request is placed in our ticket system and can be processed.
When it gets bigger
If it goes beyond common product issues and hardware may need to be configured, adapted or changed in depth, our support is available on the basis of our following hourly rates and quotas.
We will be happy to provide you with a non-binding cost estimate based on your specifications or requirements and recommend the appropriate contingent. However, invoicing is always based on actual expenditure. Of course, you will receive a corresponding time sheet whenever we work for you.
If you would like to entrust us with the support of complete systems and facilities and/or agree on individual response times, we will be happy to conclude individually designed SLA agreements with you.