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Milesight Award - m2m Germany Fastest Growing Partner of the Year

We are very pleased to be awarded by Milesight as "Fastest Growing Partner of the Year" in 2022. The award confirms our extremely good cooperation with Milesight and is not least due to the very innovative product portfolio not only in LoRaWAN but also in the cellular / 5G router area.

But it is not only the pace of innovation in new products that sets Milesight apart. Existing products are also constantly maintained and expanded with new features. For example, all LoRaWAN gateways have just been updated. Now they also support BACnet, which makes them ideally suited for building automation. Combined with our consulting and project support, this is obviously an unbeatable team.

We are looking forward to the further cooperation with Milesight and we can tell you that the year 2023 will also be very exciting in terms of new products from Milesight - stay tuned!

A fast growing solution provider

Das chinesische Unternehmen Milesight wurde 2011 gegründet und ist ein schnell wachsender AI-IoT-Lösungsanbieter, gemeint sind damit Lösungen, bei denen künstliche Intelligenz und das Internet-of-Things miteinander verschmelzen. Klingt nach Science-Fiction – ist es aber nicht, vielmehr setzt Milesight Standards für die technischen Anwendungen von morgen.

Milsight develops and distributes solutions for wireless IoT and intelligent video surveillance. Especially in the wireless communication sector Milesight covers a wide range of solutions from LoRa to 5G - from hardware (gateways, sensors etc.) to connectivity suites.
Through its broad LoRa/LoRaWAN offering, Milesight provides solutions for Smart Agriculture, Smart City, Smart Energy and Smart Transportation.

Are you curious? Then get an overview of what is already feasible today with our Mielsight portfolio.


To the products of Milesight



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