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Nominated as one of the best wireless companies

We were nominated by Leap Droid as one of the best wireless companies in Germany

Wireless is our business. At m2m Germany, we are constantly working on implementing wireless solutions for a wide range of industries. In doing so, we rely on modern technologies such as Bluetooth, LoRa, LTE or NB-IoT to network systems, machines and sensors - as simply and quickly as possible.

We are very happy to be nominated by Leap Droid as one of the best wireless companies in Germany.
For our nomination we say "thank you". Great that we were included in the list of the best companies.

Get in touch

Want to learn more about what makes us one of the best wireless companies in Germany? Then take a look around our website or for specific IoT wireless projects, simply contact us for a free initial IoT consultation. We would love to hear from you.



Who or what is Leap Droid?

Leap Droid is a subsidiary of Fupping Ltd, a UK (London) based media company and provides international market analysis, expert guides and expertise on mobile apps, mobile hardware and the mobile app industry. Leap Droid is an online publication that provides helpful resources for businesses.

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