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Partner webinar: Keep building management simple - with LoRaWAN


How can IoT solutions be integrated into buildings?

Together with Antoine Bourgier from our partner Wattsense, we will talk about how you can integrate LoRaWAN sensors into your building management and unlock your building's data.
The Wattsense solution simplifies the use of IoT technology and the integration of building management systems in small and medium-sized buildings by improving connectivity and data collection.

The solution consists of hardware and software that is very easy to install and use and is compatible with the most common communication protocols such as LoRaWAN, BACnet IP, Modbus IP, Modbus RTU, M-Bus, LON, KNX, LPB and Diematic. The Wattsense hardware is reliable and secure, making it more powerful than conventional gateways. You can use the Wattsense solution in two different versions with a single piece of hardware: The decision for one of the two usage variants depends entirely on your individual needs and use cases. The tower (remote) and the bridge (local).

You can connect devices quickly and easily via a web-based interface thanks to the configuration wizard, an intuitive tool and a growing library of over 500 devices. The console enables centralized data storage and sharing for building management.

  • Contents of the webinar:

    • Short introduction Wattsense and m2m Germany
    • Short introduction LoRa/LoRaWAN®
    • Introduction Wattsense and differences Tower vs. Bridge
    • Use Cases
    • Live demo of the system
    • Question & Answer session
  • Antoine Bourgier will hold the webinar together with Marius Nickolai and will be available for questions and answers.

    The webinar will be held in English, but the Q&A session at the end will be available in both English and German.

    The webinar: "Keep building management simple - with LoRaWAN", will take place
    on February 14 from 14:00 to 15:00.

    Participation in the online webinar is free of charge.

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