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TOPLIST of telematics providers 2023 - we are on it

Toplist Telematics

Once again, the media group has named us TOPLIST provider of telematics. A signet that we are proud of, especially because we have been allowed to carry it for many years. The seal of approval shows that the telematics solutions we offer are reliable and close to customer needs.

With the Signet, our solutions are regarded as high-quality and recommendable for the telematics industry. And the fact that we have already received the Telematics Award twice and two further nominations for the award confirms our expertise in this market.

Comprehensive telematics solutions - for every application

Our telematics portfolio has exciting solutions in store. From ultra-small GPS trackers, to construction machinery monitoring, to long-term monitoring/location without power supply in extreme environments. Goods or people tracking - indoors as well as outdoors - m2m Germany has the necessary know-how as well as the appropriate hardware. We offer solutions for special vehicles, construction machinery, goods transport or rail vehicles - even bicycle tracking is not foreign to us - you determine the application and we find the solution.

Ask for advice

We are very excited about our fused multi-technology geolocation devices - sounds complicated - but it's not. With this customized, barrier-free IoT tracking solution, we combine Quuppa & LoRaWAN and can map countless application scenarios in no time - such as indoor and outdoor asset tracking and management, factories, resource tracking, theft prevention, warehouse logistics, fleet management, people tracking and much more.

We are also absolutely convinced of our Telematics Unit owa5X - the suitable gateway for telematics applications. The owa5X is an open, Linux-based IoT gateway that is perfectly suited for any off-highway application such as construction machinery, agricultural machinery, special vehicles but also for on-highway applications such as trucks, buses or electric vehicles. The owa5X is extremely robust and of highest quality, see for yourself.

Owasys IoT Gateways

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