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Cavli Wireless expands our embedded portfolio

Cavli Wireless, a specialist in embedded modules, is an innovative technology company based in California, USA and India. Cavli Wireless develops and manufactures cellular IoT modules with integrated eSIM and global connectivity based on the Cavli Hubble platform. The company specializes in the development of solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) and wireless connectivity.

The company has quickly built a reputation as a leading provider of IoT modules and solutions that enable the networking of devices and applications in a wide range of industries. It is particularly important to emphasize that Cavli Wireless pursues a "non-China footprint" strategy.



A strong partner for new embedded solutions

Cavli Wireless offers a wide range of IoT modules based on various wireless technologies such as 4G LTE, 5G and NB-IoT. These modules enable wireless communication and data transmission for IoT devices and applications.

Cavli was founded in 2018 when a group of industry experts agreed on the simple idea that the IoT should be made simple, seamless and global. The collective effort to break the barriers of connectivity and manage every object in the physical world from anywhere has become more than a company. It's much more of an organization that spans multiple regions and is dedicated to solving the puzzle of cellular IoT.

Cavli has more than 10 years of expertise and knowledge in the mobile and telecommunications industry. The Cavli team consists of a community of motivated and curious professionals: Embedded Engineers, Software Developers, Sales Professionals, Marketing Experts, Designers and Industry Experts.

Non-China Footprint

Cavli Wireless emphasizes its "non-China footprint" strategy. This strategy is an approach that aims to reduce or completely avoid dependence on China in various business areas. This strategy is particularly relevant for companies that want to diversify their production and business processes and minimize risks. One important aspect is the relocation of production and manufacturing from China to other countries. In its efforts to implement the "non-China footprint", Cavli Wireless has actively sought alternative locations for its production facilities in order to reduce its dependence on a single market.

Another point for Cavli Wireless to act in this way is the management of supply chains. Companies that opt for a non-China footprint are working to reshape their supply chains by replacing Chinese suppliers with alternatives from other countries. This not only helps to minimize the risk of supply disruptions, but also promotes greater diversity and flexibility in the supply chain.

In addition, Cavli Wireless is also pursuing market strategies aimed at relocating business activities to other markets outside China. This can help to avoid potential risks associated with political, economic or regulatory uncertainties in China.

Ultimately, Cavli Wireless is also concerned with technological independence. In critical areas such as information technology and infrastructure, organizations strive to be less dependent on Chinese technology and this is where Cavli Wireless positions itself as an alternative technology partner.

Overall, Cavli Wireless' non-China footprint strategy is a comprehensive approach aimed at strengthening business resilience and reducing dependencies by enabling broader geographical spread and diversification in the core areas of production, supply chain, market presence and technology application.

Unlimited connectivity

Cavli Wireless develops smart hardware, network access solutions and an IoT connectivity management tool.
The company offers a unique range of smart IoT modules with eSIM integration. These offer pre-installed local LTE, LPWAN and 5G network connectivity. The IoT modules can be managed with a connectivity management platform.
Cavli cooperates with mobile operators worldwide to ensure local connectivity for IoT product manufacturers.

The "I" in IoT stands for intelligent modules

An important component of an IoT device is the mobile radio module. This is usually a system-in-a-package (SIP) that enables each device to connect to a mobile network.
IoT projects have often failed in the past due to challenges such as SIM provisioning, device management and error analysis, which have hindered the introduction and scaling of IoT.

Qualcomm ventures has invested in the American company Cavli Inc. for good reason. Qualcomm ventures stands for helping bold entrepreneurs build revolutionary companies. They invest in companies that use Qualcomm's foundational technology to expand and rethink the mobile ecosystem. The investment in Cavli is an example of how innovative companies can bring cutting-edge technology and solutions to their customers.

Research, development and production of Cavli Wireless takes place in India to develop products for the rest of the world. Cavli not only addresses the challenges of developing, deploying and managing IoT devices, but also enables device manufacturers and solution providers to leverage the cloud benefits in their application architecture. Cavli's embedded solution is characterized by bringing together - modem hardware, connectivity and cloud device management - to develop and deploy IoT products faster.
With Cavli Hubble, Cavli Wireless' modem management cloud, IoT OEMs now have access to powerful remote diagnostics, firmware and application management capabilities. This gives them a greater degree of flexibility and control over their devices in the field.

IoT modules from Cavli Wireless in our store

The C-series modules from Cavli Wireless are new to our poprtflio.
The intelligent C-series modulesare connectivity modules with integrated eSIM technology that are pre-installed with global mobile subscriptions.
The modules are available in different versions. They offer a variety of options in terms of space requirements, power consumption and network capabilities.
Cavli Wireless modules are suitable for almost any application.

We would be happy to advise you on the new modules and check which of them is the best solution for your application.

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