Published -ReferencesSmart City- 1 Min. reading time

City of Meißen drives digitization forward

Setup of a LoRaWAN network

In order to master current and future challenges in these fast-moving times, smart solutions and digital technologies are needed for cities and municipalities.
As one of the first cities in the Saxony region, Meißen has taken up the challenge and built a LoRaWAN network with the support of m2m Germany and its partner

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Smart City Applications

As a technology partner, m2m Germany and its partner have set up a LoRaWAN network and equipped the city with IoT sensors to implement initial applications in parking management and waste management.

"With the solution we are using, we can access a wide variety of sensors and their data without any additional personnel effort. The new field of activity was professionally developed with both partners and we benefit from their great expertise when expanding the use cases. Decisions on energy saving, for example, can already be prepared and reviewed today."

David Hermann, Head of Digitalization and IT of the City of Meißen

Smart Parking

The solution enables responsible parties to record and evaluate usage patterns of parking spaces.

Whatever it takes:

  • Simplifies parking management and the creation of mobility plans
  • Increases the attractiveness of the city


Waste Management

The motto is "cleanliness in the city". And to approach this economically and sustainably, it is not only a matter of avoiding resources in general, but also of recycling them.

Driving up to trash cans on set emptying dates without knowing whether they are even full and need to be emptied is not smart. Instead, the city relies on wireless fill level sensors in the waste garbage cans with a connection to intelligent cloud-based software.

Whatever it takes:

  • no need to start up empty garbage cans
  • Relief for the staff
  • Saving fuel
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions
  • Residents can even report full trash cans via app.


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