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Whitepaper: Navigation technologies and positioning methods


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The Internet of Things (IoT) will permanently change companies in a wide range of industries. The increasing digitization of objects and processes will give rise to new business models. Innovative products will have a decisive influence on the digital future. These include not only sensor products that can wirelessly transmit information about the environment, but also smart localization products for goods and inventory tracking, position and motion detection, identification and inventory, people and vehicle location, and access and presence monitoring. 

In our white paper, you will learn everything you need to know about tracking technologies and applications. The term "asset tracking" can also be understood as inventory tracking. Typically, technologies are used that enable the tracking and localisation of operating resources and goods. Both indoors and outdoors.

The approach to digitalization is, among other things, to report the arrival or departure of the object and to record the identification of the object, the place of observation, the time and the status.
These intelligent products can be used across industries, e.g. in construction, agriculture, forestry, production, building and industrial automation, medical technology or logistics

With an appropriate asset tracking solution, one is always informed about the exact whereabouts of tracked vehicles and goods along the supply chain. Asset tracking creates real-time transparency for processes and inventories. It also reduces search times, missed trips and enables seamless tracking of freight.

Technologies, processes and methods

In our white paper on navigation technologies and positioning methods, we would like to inform you about current technology and application standards. We present the different radio, navigation and positioning technologies as well as specific procedures and methods for positioning.

In addition to a brief historical overview, various technologies are explained and the functionality of a LoRa® tracker for indoor and outdoor tracking is explained. Last but not least, application examples of the technologies mentioned are presented using the example of an airport.

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