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Building monitoring via LoRaWAN

In recent years, technical building monitoring has become an indispensable tool for monitoring and optimizing building infrastructure.

The rapid development of modern sensor technologies and the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) have helped make buildings smarter and more energy efficient today.

More and more buildings are being equipped with sensors and other measurement technology to monitor energy consumption, indoor air quality and other important parameters.

What is building monitoring?

Building monitoring is a surveillance system that monitors the operation and safety of a building. This is made possible through the use of sensors, cameras, software and other technologies. This allows data to be collected and analyzed in real time or at regular intervals. The knowledge gained from this can be used to optimize building technology, reduce energy consumption and operating costs, and enhance building security.

From energy management to indoor air quality to security monitoring, modern building monitoring provides a comprehensive view of a building's performance and condition in real time. Today, the possibilities extend far beyond simple alarm systems or thermostats.

The main benefits of building monitoring include:

  • Improved efficiency: optimized operation and thus reduction of energy and resource consumption.
  • Lower operating costs: Reduction of operating and maintenance costs through more efficient use of resources.
  • Improved security: Appropriate monitoring systems can avert burglaries, vandalism, fires and other dangers in good time.
  • Increasing comfort: Continuous monitoring of indoor air quality increases comfort and can prevent damage to the building such as mold growth.
  • Early detection of technical problems: Leaks, malfunctions and overloads of the technical building infrastructure can be detected at an early stage before they lead to major damage.
  • Improved documentation and tracking: Building monitoring data can be used to document and track the performance of a building. This can be helpful when planning maintenance and improvements.

Possible applications of LoRaWAN in building management

LoRaWAN enables efficient monitoring and management of buildings, systems and entire neighborhoods. LoRaWAN-enabled sensors can record individual building data independently or be integrated into an existing building management system.

A selection of sensors for building monitoring in the m2m IoT store

  • LoRaWAN 7in1 Indoor Ambient Sensor with CO2/TVOC

    Milesight's AM300 series LoRaWAN sensor combines as many as seven monitoring parameters to measure indoor climate: temperature, humidity, light, CO2 concentration,HCHO/O3 content, TVOC, barometric pressure, PM2.5, PM10 and motion. Ideal for use in offices, stores, classrooms, hospitals, etc.

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  • EMS LoRaWAN door/window contact sensor

    The LoRaWAN door and window contact sensor from Elsys is designed for indoor use and detects whether an object such as a door or window is open or closed. Its design is very unobtrusive, making it ideal for mounting on door frames, window panes, cabinets and more.

    To the m2m IoT store

  • LoRaWAN compact heat meter Supercal 739

    The battery-powered compact heat meter from Sontex consists of a flow sensor, removable calculator with various communication options and a pair of temperature sensors. It is used in building services and in the district and local heating sector for recording consumption-dependent heating and/or cooling energy and for individual heating cost billing; available in different variants and sizes, complies with the requirements of MID 2014/32/EU and EN 1434 Class 3.

    To the m2m IoT store

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